Wednesday, August 18, 2010

You have got to be kidding!?

All hail Brian Cowen, Ireland's Financial Taskmaster according to Newsweek! I've never been much of a Newsweek reader and this is the kind of thing that vindicates that.

I really don't know much about this William Underhill fellow (who seems to be the credited author of this piece), but I suspect I know a lot more about him than he does about the Irish economy. Brian Cowen is a joke, the author is a joke and by publishing this article, Newsweek have made themselves into a joke. How could anyone possibly take the rest of the article seriously?

This is the kind of thing that makes me shake my head in disbelief - As if we hadn't got enough to contend with, our fearless leader has a trolling nincompoop blowing smoke up his ass!

The tag line for this piece in Newsweek is "Running a country can be thankless job, but these 10 leaders have managed to win some serious respect". Seriously? I don't know exactly who's giving Cowen respect, but I'm sure it's not his puppet masters. I don't think it's the electorate. I don't even think his own colleagues respect him (although he's certainly in good company there, so maybe there a certain "respect among thieves" thing going on there).

Brian Cowen was one of the people who helped drive this country into the ground and now he's being praised for screwing us into the wall with a legacy of debt? Honestly, the author of the article must be completely clueless about anything, since he doesn't even seem to have been able to do the most basic background research before writing that contemptible tripe.

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